Sibayak Mountain

One of the natural attractions that are well known in North Sumatra is Mount Sibayak. Sibayak mountain is located in Tanah Kaor, with an altitude of 2,094 m above sea level. Mount Sibayak volcano is still active, and has a gentle crater enough to descend and seemed not too dangerous provided it's not too close. The top of Mount Sibayak has been shattered, caused by eruptions in the past.

Mount Sibayak has long been a prima donna among mountain climbers. Even today, not only climbers who can reach the top of Sibayak, the local government has made a smooth road to arrive at Sibayak body, so that this pathway can be traversed by car.

Gate ascent of Mount Sibayak there are three climbing routes. The first route can be traversed on foot of Mount Sibayak in the village of King Berneh or often referred to as the Spirit Mountain Village. The village is 15 km from Berastagi. It passes through the hot water bath scattered around the foot of the mountain. In this village there is also a PT Pertamina, which utilizes geothermal sources.
The second pathway can be reached on foot from the village of Mount Sibayak Jaranguda. The village is very close to the town of Berastagi which is only 3 km away. For hikers or more travelers choosing this path.

The third path is quite extreme famous is the pathway 54 are taken from Penatapan area located at Medan-Berastagi highway. This path is in the KM 54 from Medan to Berastagi. This path is the longest route and classified as extreme. For beginners are not advised to climb through this pathway.

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