This building bears the name of Huta Museum is located in the village of Bolon and Simanindo, Village Simanindo, Samosir, North Sumatra. In this museum objects of cultural heritage Batak classical past. Its presence is also to keep the Batak ethnic traditions being lost to erode the timesBatak culture
To achieve this museum takes about 4 hours drive from Kuala Namu airport, Deli Serdang, to Parapat. The journey then continued to cross to the island of Samosir with large vessel for 45 minutes. Another option, can use a passenger ship with a travel time of about 25 minutes. After the ship docked, followed by an overland trip for 30 minutes.
Far? No need to worry about is a considerable distance. All will be paid exhausted after treading area Museum Huta Bolon that s ^ juk and shady. At least that's how I feel. In North Sumatra, there are quite a lot of museums, but I chose this place because it presents the most complete aktraksi. This destination has even included in the list of Lonely Planet recommendation
Museum Huta Bolon Simanindo a traditional house legacy of King Sidauruk which since 1969 as a museum open (open air museum). To enter the museum which is open every day from 9:00 to 17:00 pm, visitors admission price charged at Rp 30 thousand.
This museum attractions that are presented in the form of dance typical Batak tribe. The dancer is a museum of local people who no longer need pm every day except Sunday, which is at 11:45 pm. Dances are performed quite diverse, ranging from welcome dance, dance offerings, youth dance, a dance of celebration, to dance Sigale-gale. The visitors can come to dance in a particular session.
Sigale-gale is a core part of the show at this museum. Sigale-gale is one of the Batak Toba culture to be proud. This motion puppet store an amazing mythical stories. The story of how the love of parents to their children is never complete.
Once upon a time, a king who became ill because of mourning after the death of his beloved son named Manggale in a war. To treat the king, made a ceremony in the kingdom by providing Manggale face resembles a wooden doll. During the ceremony, the physician summon spirits Manggale and put the wooden doll. Manggale dolls danced to the accompaniment of music typical Batak.

Recomended, Tourism Belitung

Galangal island
pulau lengkuas,wisata pulau belitung

Galangal island located in the Pacific Northwest of the island can be said is the icon of tourist belitung. In it there is a lighthouse that is so well-known and often become the object of which is perpetuated by the pengunjung.Untuk to the island of Galangal, can pass through the village of Tanjung elayang or Tanjung Binga. The island is an area ranging from just one hectare. Therefore, conducting exploration activities on the island Just take approximately 60 menit.Di Lengkuas around the island there are small islands that can be visited only by foot. But in order to get there, you have to wait for low tide first. Although it can be visited on foot, this small island remained separated by sea water depths up to an adult's chest. Her distance was only about 30 meters from the shoreline of the island of Galangal.

pulau pasir,Wisata Belitung
Fitted with its name, the island contains only sand, no granite or palm trees are disni, Sand Island will be present when the seawater receded. Remarkably, very many sea stars are present here sunbathing, whether taken sea currents or anyone brought here.

Thousand Islands, Various Beach Tourism in Jakarta Charming

Favorite tourist attractions in other Jakarta is the Thousand Islands. To get to the Thousand Islands, you can use a motor boat from Marina Ancol, or of Kali Adem Muara Angke. This place saved a wide variety of natural beauty that is second to none. You can snorkel and dive underwater to enjoy the beauty that is in the Thousand Islands. Some coastal tourism in Jakarta in the Thousand Islands, namely, Tidung Travel, Tourism Scout Island, the Island Princess, Island Bira, Tiger Island and Angel Island. In addition, for those who want to spend the night here provided some accommodation with adequate facilities. We recommend that you visit the island with his family and relatives so that the atmosphere of your holiday more enjoyable.

Kelimutu Flores

COMMUNITY often call the Lake Three Colors. This tourist destination located 60 kilometers from downtown Ende. Lake Three Colors that are in the middle of National Park Flores. The crater lake shows three different colors. Can be green, blue, and dark red. Color it in a certain period of time will be changed to another color.
The local community believes, craters or lake is the abode of human lives. The location they are in accordance with the color of the water in the crater. For instance, the evil spirit will be in the red crater.To go to the top, visitors must walk 1 kilometer. Terrain slope is more than 45 degrees. Very steep, but it is safe because the jogging track was already there.
Visitors who have not been to Flores highly recommended asking for a companion. In addition, prepare a flashlight or small lamp. Because, fog often comes unexpectedly. Sights so dark and cold.Tip the need to be prepared, physically to reach the hill. Use thick clothes for warmth. Do not forget to bring lunch to eat at the top of Flores. Therefore, the place was really fun to look forward to a new day rising sun marker

Lake Ranau

Volcano Ranau is a caldera measuring 13 x 8 KM KM partially filled by Lake Ranau.

This lake has a depth of 300 M and is the most popular destination of locals in South Sumatra.

Lake Ranau is the second largest lake in Sumatera.Danau It is formed by a devastating earthquake and volcanic eruption. A big river which previously flowed at the foot of the volcanic mountain then filled the ravine. Various types of plants including shrubs shrub known as Ranau, then grew by the lake and while the remains of the mountain became Mount Seminung, which currently stands tall beside the lake with clean water.

The lake is located on the border of West Lampung regency in Lampung and Ogan Ogan Ulu (OKU) South district in South Sumatra or located in the Appeal Court, 125 KM from Balfour.

Lake Ranau travel has cold weather. To enter this lake, visitors must pay Rp 1,000 per person plus Rp 4,000 for parking.

The lake is surrounded by hills and mountains Seminung backgrounds Under Mount Seminung, there are natural hot springs. A morphological strata volcano caldera young, Mount Semuning, built in the SE side of the caldera to a height of more than 1600 M above the surface of the caldera lake.
For most people, the Lake Ranau is the climax of a visit to the highlands of South Sumatra. Appeal Court, along the northern coast, is a farming community and the most important fishery along the lake and did have some lodges are clean and cheap. Residents living on the cultivation of coffee, tobacco and cloves. Furthermore, rice, and pineapple, banana and avocado, which sold very cheap. The lake is full of fish, which is baked in a small restaurant on the lake shore. The Shining Sunset reflected in a lake fishing in a canoe flat, with the silhouette of the mountains behind.
There are many things you can do around the lake. Fifteen minute journey from the guesthouse Pusri leads through some woods along the coffee plantations and rice fields, which are not too far away from the lake itself. Another trip, on a lake with boat rental, brings us to the hot springs at the foot of Mount Seminung. Source is now separated from the lake by a wall, so that the hot and cold water can not mix anymore. But be careful, warm water is really hot, and the nearest sand can get very warm as well. Snorkeling is also possible, and confident swimmers can get an amazing experience.

Madakaripura Waterfall, Bromo

Waterfall Madakaripura are in the tourist area of Mount Bromo. Located not far from the sea of sand Bromo, only about 45 minutes to Probolinggo (to the North). His name is Madakaripura waterfall. According to the locals the name is taken from a story in antiquity, is said to Gajah Mada spent his death by meditating on this tejun water. This story is supported by the statues of Gajah Mada in the area of the parking lot.
to achieve these attractions are not too difficult. Visits should be done if we are going to Bromo from Probolinggo direction due to the direction of travel or while on Bromo and do mornings. The location can be reached by private vehicle or rental car (from Probolinggo hire Panther Rp 150.000, - pp + driver, 12/2003). If we come from the direction of Probolinggo then she reached the village we turn right Sukapura.,

We will pass through the asphalt road with treats scenery in this part of the left-right high mountains form a refreshing eye. Approximately after about 5 km to travel, we will meet with the entrance of the waterfall tourist area Madakaripura marked with a large parking area and a statue of Gajah Mada. Here, many local residents who volunteered to be a 'guide' that will accompany while telling the history of the attraction until we return to the parking lot.Next we had to walk about 15 minutes, through the trail made of cement rocky so if wet will not be slippery. While walking we were also treated to beautiful scenery and soothing, right next to us there is a rocky river flow, we are flanked on either side high cliffs with dense trees along with the accompaniment of birdsong and derikan beetles. Sometimes in some parts of the road, was blocked by fallen trees or no trace of avalanche, though this road is relatively flat and easily can be lived with, if there are some places exhausted along the way that can be used to sit to rest.

On arriving at the location of the waterfall we will meet with a small shop, post guards and toilet (can change clothes), there are also rental of umbrellas when we do not want to get too soaked. This waterfall originated from water flowing from cliffs elongated and form a curtain, so that we could walk underneath an umbrella ria. In the end, we will meet with a diameter circular room is approximately 25 meters.

Muara Takus Temple

Located some 122 km from Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau province, MuaraTakus temple complex built on the banks of the river Kampar Kanan. MuaraTakus has the largest brick buildings on Sumatra found remotely in a jungle clearing.
Mahligai temple is a high stupa is flanked by the ruins of several other brick shrine. High form different from normally bell-shaped Buddhist stupas found on Java. The temple is constructed of river stones, sandstone and brick ground and restored in 1980.

The complex is surrounded by a wall 74m x 74 m, with another earthen rampart 1.5km x 1.5 km around this, extends to the edge of the river Kampar Kanan. In the old temple walls are found, CandiBungsu, Mahligai stupa and Palangkaraya. The compound is also found a mound believed to be the place for cremation.

These residual Buddhist puzzling for archaeologists to date they actually built, which they estimate to have been built either in 2, 4 or 7 9th century.

It is, however, known that during the 10th century, the kingdom of Srivijaya which is located further south near present-day Palembang was a thriving learning center for Buddhism, where even Chinese pilgrims said to study on Sumatra first before proceeding to India.

It is said that the brick temple built in the village MuaraTakus Ponkai above the temple complex, where inhabitants carried the bricks, handing it to one another in the long line to the complex. This means that the temple was built together with the residents.

MuaraTakus complex is the only temple complex found in Riau, evidence that Buddhism has spread here during the early centuries.

MuaraTakus temple can be reached by road either from Padang, West Sumatra or from Pekanbaru, Riau.yang is one of the tourist attractions in Indonesia which consists of several islands.

Sibayak Mountain

One of the natural attractions that are well known in North Sumatra is Mount Sibayak. Sibayak mountain is located in Tanah Kaor, with an altitude of 2,094 m above sea level. Mount Sibayak volcano is still active, and has a gentle crater enough to descend and seemed not too dangerous provided it's not too close. The top of Mount Sibayak has been shattered, caused by eruptions in the past.

Mount Sibayak has long been a prima donna among mountain climbers. Even today, not only climbers who can reach the top of Sibayak, the local government has made a smooth road to arrive at Sibayak body, so that this pathway can be traversed by car.

Gate ascent of Mount Sibayak there are three climbing routes. The first route can be traversed on foot of Mount Sibayak in the village of King Berneh or often referred to as the Spirit Mountain Village. The village is 15 km from Berastagi. It passes through the hot water bath scattered around the foot of the mountain. In this village there is also a PT Pertamina, which utilizes geothermal sources.
The second pathway can be reached on foot from the village of Mount Sibayak Jaranguda. The village is very close to the town of Berastagi which is only 3 km away. For hikers or more travelers choosing this path.

The third path is quite extreme famous is the pathway 54 are taken from Penatapan area located at Medan-Berastagi highway. This path is in the KM 54 from Medan to Berastagi. This path is the longest route and classified as extreme. For beginners are not advised to climb through this pathway.