Traveled to Agro Orchid

Beautiful and wonderful, that's the word that may be on your mind when visiting this Agro. Colorful orchids make it more exotic Agro. This place is commonly known as Sien Orchid. Yes, this attraction is a plantation of orchids that have various types of orchids. Here I will explain about Agro Orchid or Orchid Sien.

Located on Highway Ngemplak No. 6 Prigen, Pasuruan, East Java. Sien Orchid is located on an area of ​​2 hectares. Agrotourism has various types of orchids up to 10,000 species of orchids, most of the collection comes from abroad.

Not a few orchids that is created from the results of their own experiments and research that takes a long time which is about 10 years each type.

The potential that can be developed from this Orchids Agro quite a lot, because in addition to being agro large number of orchid species also continues to grow in this place. The owner named Moling Simardjo this used to be a CEO of a bank, but because of his love orchid flower she decided to quit the job mapannya and choose the business of orchids. A decision he took was very precise.

Imagine, now that pioneered Sien Orchid has been growing very rapidly. Even in 1995, Moling has registered one crossing experiment results orchids first to London, and he gave names to the moon Bali Dendrobium orchid flower. The first results of a cross flowers are very pretty, there are purple on the tongue sepalnya. However Moling also never failed in doing the experiment crossing aggrek interest.

It happened when crossing kedunya, the result of crossing the two he named Dendrobium Memorial Margaretha Junita, according name of his son who suffered a tragic accident when he Study In Australia. Flower name it chooses to commemorate his favorite. But what happened? All interest named Dendrobium Memorial Margaretha Junita was severely damaged, even Moling also do not know what causes it. Surprisingly, another orchid flowers are flowers around the memorial was not damaged at all.

Travel Through Natural Recognize Kaliandra

A beautiful natural atmosphere, comfortable, cool, and green scenery around, making all who visit this attraction at home. Harmony between the natural layout of the buildings in this attraction, make it more stunning. This attraction is very suitable for those of you who want to eliminate fatigue in your mind as a result of your daily activities. Travel Through Natural recognize Kaliandra is more appropriate in the morning, where the freshness of the air coupled with the birds singing sweetly create more peaceful nature.

Kaliandra attraction is an attraction that gives visitors to the science of nature and culture. This attraction is located in Dsn. Gamoh Village Dayurejo Prigen Pasuruan, East Java. In this tour is more precise and highly recommended to spend the night in the villas that are here.

Because it is this tour is a tourist village consisting of two locations: Hastinapur and Bharatapura. And very precisely if you come here, enjoy this attraction by foot, especially during sunny mornings.

Travel Kaliandra itself was founded in 1997 complete with its vision of "creation of man independent, cultured and sustainable." Because in every what is done in Kaliandra really cling to the principles of environmentally friendly, mutual cooperation, uphold the values ​​of culture, partnership, participation, independent and discipline. This tour is also offered to every visitor an assortment pelatatihan and a wide range of facilities that you can nikmati.Uniknya, most of the employees in this attraction is a citizen of the locals.

This tour also has two restaurants named Griya Griya Dahar Dahar and Sembadra. All meals served in restaurants here in the guarantee healthy, because all the cooking cooked without using flavorings. The drink is also very typical of this attraction, which teragon tea with honey, tea cup, bandrek, and many others. And that became the mainstay of the menu here is carp fry seasoning salad and there is also a unique sauce is sauce jackfruit.

Mysterious village Wae Rebo

Wae Rebo Village nicknamed the village above the clouds, like the village of origin Denias were made into the film Denias. If Denias in Papua, Wae Rebo located in the southwest city of Ruteng, Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara. Wae Rebo Traditional Village is famous even to foreign countries.

Curious how the condition? Let us examine Wae Rebo Village Trip.
rebo Wae Wae Rebo Village Landscape wikipedia NTT Wae Rebo Village look simple, certainly far from your expectations especially in the 2015's. But believe me incredible natural scenery as one of God's creation of the Worlds. Similar in Puncak Pass, Wae Rebo Village ketinggan located at 1,200 meters above sea level.

Like heaven on a cloud, a stretch of scenic village of Wae Rebo almost all of the mountains. There are only seven traditional house with a conical shape which is made of wood and thatched plaited. At first glance, the house was like a house Asmat in Papua / Irian Jaya.

Want selfie photo then uploaded in medsos? Do not expect. Because HP is guaranteed no signal there. But precisely because of that, Wae Rebo Village into traditional tourist village that became a world cultural heritage site by UNESCO. Surely one of the most beautiful in the world. Cool, right!

Although subordinate organizations of the UN, UNESCO know, not many people in Indonesia who know. You know why? Not many people in Indonesia who are already here. The practical conditions are still very virgin as a tourist spot like Indrayanti Beach in Yogyakarta. Nevertheless, the fact Wae Rebo Village has become a tourist attraction of foreign charm.

Route to the village of Wae Rebo, surely you have to Kupang, the capital of the province. From there you can just go up to the land vehicle Manggarai district. From Jakarta, there are direct flights. Or if you want a more relaxing, you can go to Bali before, Mataram, new to Kupang.

In addition to custom home is the main attraction, of community life is also very interesting to know.
Most of the farming community and the women made the craft of weaving. Coffee plantations can be found there. Travelers who visit usually will disuguh with typical coffee Flores delights. Interesting is not on vacation to Wae Rebo Village?