Fresh Water Baths Soda in Tapanuli North Sumatra

Washing which is formed naturally by nature has its own sensations when bermandian or swim on the ground. Various natural baths that have fresh water until the hot aqueous baths of all naturally exist in the country of Indonesia. But in North Sumatra have a baptism with its own uniqueness, namely Soda Water Bath. These baths are only 2 in the world.Tourism site

kermaian soda baths Tapanuli Sumatran utaraPermandian Soda Water is also often called Aek Rara. This washing of history discovered by a midwife named O Tobing Sihite while hoeing the soil and out of the water, but the water that comes out different from the usual water. Having a foamy water texture, flavor and aroma similar to soda. New in 2004 the region built a pool to accommodate the water and make a bathing pond. This soda water pools there are only 2 in the world, one in Venezuela South America and the only one in North Sumatra.

Just swim or soak in baths can make the body seem to be mild. Soda water that soaks the body as if to bite the skin with froth-buihnya, its water does not feel sticky and salty taste. But do not get in eyes, sparkling water will feel sore when the eye. soda water frothing water bath soak tapauni Sumatran utaraSensasi is different to when we soak dipermandian other water.

This washing of only 1 piece measuring 6 × 7 meters. The scenery around the pool is very beautiful, because it is directly adjacent to the green rice field background cluster of hills that stretch. This tour is very affordable place to visit in terms of access and in terms of cost.

Soda water baths or Aek Rara is located in the village Parbubu, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra Province.

This tourist attraction is located about one kilometer from the center of town Khajuraho, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra. In addition to airline Susi Air, yet many direct flights are heading down this route. The alternative could have come from the nearby town of Sibolga. Well of Sibolga could come into town Khajuraho. From the city of Khajuraho can be continued to a tourist attraction with ground vehicles and the conditions are good.Facilities and Accommodation.

Places is fairly've managed baek because it is very complete. From the parking area, a change of clothes, toilet till the eating places are in the bathing area. For lodging can be found in Tarutung near these sights.