Karma Kandara Beach

Coastal Karma Kandara is located in Ungasan Village, District of South Kuta, Badung. Distance traveled to this location approximately 27 km from the city of Denpasar and approximately 30 minutes drive from Ngurah Rai when using a motor vehicle. There is also a mention of the name Karma Kandara Beach Nammos Beach. Karma Kandara is one of the favorite tourist attractions in Uluwatu apart Dreamland Beach.

This coastal area was once productive land. Since the hotel is built Karma Kandara and accidental location of this beach is below, for easy recall coast beach is also called Karma Kandara. Karma Kandara beaches are still clean and not like Karma Kandara 3beberapa beaches in Bali. This is because the location of this beach not many people who knew and managed by the private sector as Indrayanti Beach in Yogyakarta.

Coastal Karma Kandara Karma Kandara Resort is an area and a special beach (private beach) for guests staying at the Karma Kandara Resort. If you want to visit the beach Karma Kandara and do not stay at Karma Kandara Resort, it will be charged an entrance fee of Rp. 250,000 / person and make a deposit of Rp. 100,000 / person to eat / drink. This hotel makes decorating with decor that is very attractive to the beach located at the bottom so that access to the beach we ahrus using some sort of lift with a unique design.

For those of you who want a free no need to worry. Karma Kandara beach can still be accessed only does require more power. To enter the first beach area dahuluberjalan foot through the narrow passage between the temple and the fence wall of the hotel to reach the edge of the cliff whose height is approximately 150 meters. From here will be visible panorama of the beach Karma Kandara which eksotic, then down 340 stairs winding.

natural bathing in North Sumatra

indeed very much mentyimpan natural tourist destinations buried. Lake Toba from his very famous in the world up to tourist destinations White Crater High King skyline. One more tourist destinations are buried and still rare visitors who come because of the lack of promotion to the tourist attractions of the region. Swimming Baths Aek kegunungan Manik which is a destination that has the privilege of mountain water is so fresh.

Tourism siteaek panorama beads abstainer siantar suamtera utaraPermandian this nature is actually given a name by its organizer is Bah Damanik, but local residents more familiar with AEK Manik. So between the two is the same name would be found on a map or signposts. These baths are formed naturally, the place is not so extensive and is in the midst of a tea plantation managed by PTPN.

Water in the washing so clear bluish fresh, natural pond that is located between small hills with rimbunya trees make the pool is not so hot even though the daytime. This baptism is actually a river flows, but its uniqueness water in the pond is like a flowing move. The bottom of the pond, there is a stretch of white sand as soft sand beaches and rocky mountains with many size. There is some relief carvings that adorn the walls of the pool that was dull kelumutan. There are shower flow from the top to bring a very fresh mountain water. Even the water community around the word can be drunk directly.During the day when it is lucky, there will be a horde of monkeys playing on a tree hanging above the washing tub. aek entrance stairs beads abstainer siantar Sumatran utaraDiujung baths there is a camping ground and it takes place to eat grilled fish that can be obtained by spear fishing or the fish at the end of these waters because there is still a lot of fish. In addition to the baths, the river flow is also used by residents to mangairi their rice paddies and fields.

LocationManik Aek baths located in tea plantation PTPN Sidamanik which is located in District Sidamanik, Siantar abstainer City, North Sumatra Province.

AccessIf from Medan can use transport or bus to Pematangsiantar like prosper or intra. From Causeway siantar continued to use public transportation routes siantar - Sidamanik such a beautiful banyan. the trip takes 25 minutes travel time, Right in front of the old Huta village square (market Sidamanik) stop and into Jalan siamatahuting as far as 700 meters, if it finds the intersection of three please turn right and find a signpost sump beads. Mileage of 150 km with a travel time of about 4 hours.

Facilities and AccommodationThese attractions have not managed fully to the tourist attractions, only a temapt bathroom just for change. The absence of a parking lot and visitors can leave their vehicles at home resident. Are advised to bring supplies as needed, in the absence of food stalls around the pool baths.

Tureloto beach, beauty in Nias Island of North Sumatra

Hearing the word Nias island, in our minds definitely terbesit Nias Stone Jump tour of the famous and posted in the Indonesian currency. Nias island is part of North Sumatra Province directly opposite the Indian Ocean. This island has a lot of natural beauty like the beauty of the beach like a small island. But there is one unique beach located on the island of Nias, namely beach Tureloto whose beauty not to be missed.Tourism sitetureloto beach panorama nias-North Sumatra. Tureloto beach directly opposite the famous Indian Ocean have big waves. But on the beach there is no such thing as big waves, it is because the presence of a cluster of coral that is a few hundred meters from the beach lined resembles a fortress as a breakwater. Antiquity beach is like a beach that is commonly encountered, the abundant sand beaches on the shore line. But after the earthquake in 2005. makes this beach face turned into a stretch of rocks scattered in the area between the coastal region and adds to the white sand beach keesotikan.The right time to visit this beach is during the day, because of the beauty of the color of the color combination of navy blue and sparkling white sand smooth blend beautifully into a dazzling eyes. Rocks stretching and large has a unique shape, a structure like the human brain so few people around to call the Stone Brain. With the castle rocks make this beach seemed like a natural pool and free without worrying waves when swimming. The most unique beach Tureloto this is going to be easy when we swam the Dead Sea float like phenomena that exist in the country of Jordan. Because the salt content is high enough to make the human body is lighter if they are in the water. So who can not swim do not need to worry about drowning.Underwater natural beauty on the beach is also spelled out very beautiful, unique variety of marine life and coral reefs are still awake kelestarianya. stretch of coral beach tureloto nias Sumatran utaraDenga a snorkeler is the right choice to enjoy the beauty of the underwater because it does not need to place more in to say hello. In addition to swimming or snorkeling, the end can also enjoy the beach atmosphere using fishing boats to enjoy a stretch of coast around the cluster of rocks and enjoy the beauty of the underwater from above because the sea water here memenag clear.LocationTureloto beach located in the village Balefadorotuho, District Lahewa, North Nias Regency, North Sumatra Province.tureloto beach rocks nias Sumatran utaraAksesThis beach is about 80 km from the city center of Gunung Sitoli. To reach this beach you can travel from Gunungsitoli or of Binaka Nias by car. Mileage is about two hours from downtown / airport.Facilities and AccommodationSome of the facilities at this beach is fairly complete, there are several toilets and places to eat which serves seafood with a distinctive flavor of Nias. But there is no lodging in the area surrounding the beach, the inn can be obtained in a nearby town.

Kaolin lake, Crater Lake whiteness of the Pacific Islands

Bangka Belitung hear our minds will certainly implied traveled ala film Laskar Pelangi depicting the beauty of the Pacific Islands. Moreover, the feel of the beach with a beautiful large rocks. Turns destinations in Bangka Belitung not only that, Bangka Belitung Islands have a very mearik tourist destination and has a beauty that is not inferior to its shores. Kaolin lake its name, at first glance seem like pemandanganya White crater lake located in Ciwidey.

Tourism siterock lake bangka belitungDanau kaolin Kaolin is an inland lake that has a clean white color and light blue colored water. The lake is not coming from the crater like White crater lake Kawah Putih Ciwidey or High King, the lake was formed from the former Kaolin mining sites that have been abandoned and the perfect natural beauty. Little knowledge of Kaolin. Kaolin is an industrial mineral materials such as cosmetics, paper, food, toothpaste and kaolin favored because of its smooth, white, strong, smooth and hantarlistrik power and low thermal conductivity.

The scenery is breathtaking all-seeing eye. Piles excavation as the hills around the lake area which at first glance like Mount Bromo mini but white. Lower Mainland lakes are covered by water such as the curvature of an animal that was passing, when the water was receding land will look like a clean white sugar. Amid an inland lake appears as if linking between the end of the lake.

The situation in Lake Kaolin is different from Crater Lake or Lake White White Ciwidey High King laden with sulfur smell farts belitungmenyengat panoramic lake kaolin. On the lake there is no smell of sulfur because the lake is not formed from a crater to make visitors feel at home to linger in this lake. To the water was quite safe, because the water here is not hot. Proven many activities of citizens and children who are using the lake water or bathe in the lake. This condition makes the tourists who visit not only can enjoy the scenery, but also can play or swim to enjoy the fresh water of Lake Kaolin. Most residents said the water in the lake is kaolin skin become softer and smoother.

heap lake kaolin fart belitungBagi photography hobby will be here is the most suitable place to locate objects shoot. A blend of blue water and stone walls are white as snow becomes very stunning color combination. Lake Kaolin prewed often used as a place for young couples who will undergo her wedding. To visit this lake would be more comfortable if the morning or afternoon, because during the day will heat and lack of dense trees.

LocationKaolin lake Located in the Village Water Kingdom Tanjungpandan, Belitung, Bangka Belitung.

AccessThe location of the lake is still fairly close to downtown Tanjungpandan. It only takes about 10 minutes to get to the lake kaolin. It is advisable to use private vehicles because of the lack of public transport.Facilities and AccommodationThere is no public facilities in the lake area because this area is not managed by anyone. For the problem of accommodation in the city of Tanjungpandan many there are various inns or hotels with varying prices.

Fresh Water Baths Soda in Tapanuli North Sumatra

Washing which is formed naturally by nature has its own sensations when bermandian or swim on the ground. Various natural baths that have fresh water until the hot aqueous baths of all naturally exist in the country of Indonesia. But in North Sumatra have a baptism with its own uniqueness, namely Soda Water Bath. These baths are only 2 in the world.Tourism site

kermaian soda baths Tapanuli Sumatran utaraPermandian Soda Water is also often called Aek Rara. This washing of history discovered by a midwife named O Tobing Sihite while hoeing the soil and out of the water, but the water that comes out different from the usual water. Having a foamy water texture, flavor and aroma similar to soda. New in 2004 the region built a pool to accommodate the water and make a bathing pond. This soda water pools there are only 2 in the world, one in Venezuela South America and the only one in North Sumatra.

Just swim or soak in baths can make the body seem to be mild. Soda water that soaks the body as if to bite the skin with froth-buihnya, its water does not feel sticky and salty taste. But do not get in eyes, sparkling water will feel sore when the eye. soda water frothing water bath soak tapauni Sumatran utaraSensasi is different to when we soak dipermandian other water.

This washing of only 1 piece measuring 6 × 7 meters. The scenery around the pool is very beautiful, because it is directly adjacent to the green rice field background cluster of hills that stretch. This tour is very affordable place to visit in terms of access and in terms of cost.

Soda water baths or Aek Rara is located in the village Parbubu, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra Province.

This tourist attraction is located about one kilometer from the center of town Khajuraho, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra. In addition to airline Susi Air, yet many direct flights are heading down this route. The alternative could have come from the nearby town of Sibolga. Well of Sibolga could come into town Khajuraho. From the city of Khajuraho can be continued to a tourist attraction with ground vehicles and the conditions are good.Facilities and Accommodation.

Places is fairly've managed baek because it is very complete. From the parking area, a change of clothes, toilet till the eating places are in the bathing area. For lodging can be found in Tarutung near these sights.

Beauty Kinoi Island Riau Islands - World Legacy Award 2015 finalists


Riau Islands was one of the provinces that has a lot of beauty tourism, especially for coastal and island tour. This province has the island favored by domestic tourists and macanegara, Bintan Resort is beautiful and has a stretch of white sand overlooking the South China Sea. But in addition to the island of Bintan, Riau Islands also has an equally beautiful islands, namely the island of Nikoi categorized 10 beautiful islands in Asia.Tourism siteriauPulau Nikoi island archipelago which has an area of ​​approximately 19 hectares located 8 kilometers northeast of the island of Bintan. Nikoi Island still has a beauty that is completely natural and free from pollution. Surrounded by white sandy beaches and coral reefs with colorful spectacular, as well as biodiversity and beautiful coastline. Because of its beauty, Nikoi Island has become one of the three finalists of the World Legacy Award 2015 organized by National Geographic.World Legacy Award is a tribute to companies, organizations and destinations began leading hotel Nikoi island archipelago riauhingga ecolodge, small islands, as well as countries that encourage positive transformation of the travel industry. There are 5 Kategory in this award, namely: Earth Changers, Sense of Place, conserving the Natural World, Engaging Communities, and Destination Leadership. There are more than 150 participants representing 56 countries and six continents who participated bepartisipasi. One of the judging process is in place to document the inspection practices that are environmentally friendly tourism and sustainable.Not only the beauty of the white sand beach and only, Nikoi Island also has a view of the lush green forests including pepohonBanyan an original that provide shelter for local bird habitat. This island no vehicles, so it is certain that the island is free from air pollution. Variety of native flora and fauna can still be encountered on this island. If you are lucky you can meet animals like turtles funny and interesting even newly hatched baby turtles. Here you can enjoy a meal eaten in the dining room paved with natural beach sand. Afterwards, can sit on the beach enjoying the sunset.Nikoi island archipelago riauAksesFrom Tanjungpinang, Riau archipelago's capital, Nikoi Island can be reached by speedboat about 30 minutes. Although open to the public, but does not easily fit into this island. Business island only give the opportunity to 42 tourists a day. That is, if no special booking by other travelers. If the island is already at-booking, then no one else can enter.Facilities and AccommodationThere are the resorts with natural building, available 15 houses hut made of reeds with facing the beach, so tourists can easily enjoy the beach, seemed to belong to a private beach.

The beauty charm Riau Islands Province Spirits

Riau Province on the island of Sumatra and has a limit of waterway adjacent to neighboring Malaysia has a beautiful beach which is very beautiful. Among its wide Strait of Malacca, there is a small island that is very exotic. Spirits islands that maybe if we are looking at a map of Indonesia is very small islands.
Tourism site
The islands are not as scary as its name and nothing to do with the supernatural. Instead, the islands have beaches spirit spirits archipelagic province riaueksotisme very marvels to visit. Spirits archipelago consists of nine small islands that Jemur Island, Sail Rock Island, Pulau Batu Mandi, Pulau Tokong Simbang, Adang Rock Island, Pulau Tokong Pucung, Pertandangan Island, Pulau Tokong Mas, and Pulau Labuhan Bilik.
Ninth island is a small island some Bohon and overgrown vegetation. Most consist of large rocks and each other. The spirit of giving a lot of the beauty of the islands landscape blend of blue water, white sand and green vegetation island. Islands can be fairly clean spirit free from non-organic waste, because not tothe many tourists who visit there. The waves were so quiet makes tourists do not be afraid to enjoy the beauty of the sea by swimming, snorkeling or diving to enjoy the beauty of the underwater biodiversity. For those who like fishing can rent a speedboat to search for the best fishing spots and feel the strong pull of the fish that are among the coral.
Among the nine islands digugusan Souls Islands, Jemur most visited by tourists favorite. Sekitas drying island which covers 3.5 square kilometers has a very beautiful marine marvels. Clean sea water, white sand is to make tourists linger menimati Jemur Island. The most interesting is, this island as the original habitat of green turtles that its existence is now very rare. On this island can be found breeding green turtle. If lucky we will find a turtle that is anchored and nesting beach. Moment that is very rare to find. Besides the beauty of the beach and rooting green turtles, Jemur also a lighthouse, caves defense of Japan, as well as the sacred site footprints, spring bones and stone Commander screen.
The spirit of the islands located in Rokan Hilir, Province Riaumercusuar ghost island province of Riau
Travel to the island Drying can be accessed from Pekanbaru to the Port Bagansiapiapi use a landline. After that hire a speedboat with two hours and travel as far as 72km.
Facilities and Accommodation
The spirit of the islands are still very natural, there is no exploitation. Facilities there are still very, very minimal. For those who want to stay in this archipelagic suggested Jemur and use a tent or stay in the Navy checkpoint.

Curtain Temam Waterfallin Beautifuly South Sumatra

South Sumatra is one of the provinces that have many mountains and tourist destinations in it. The waterfall is also a mainstay of tourism in the province. South Sumatra province has a very beautiful waterfall, has a different beauty with a waterfall general. Niagara Temam name, first among beauty waterfall - waterfall located in the province of South Sumatra.
Tourism site
Many refer to this waterfall is Niagara Falls Mini residing in the United States. Elongated shape and resemble giant curtain but Niagara is smaller Temam ukuranya. Temam Niagara comes from river flow Temam were still clean and free from garbage, so do not worry to be able to enjoy and play water in this waterfall area.
Niagara Temam different from the towering waterfall that we usually encounter, waterfalls formed naturally has an elongated shape measuring about 12 meters high and 25 meters wide reach. The uniqueness of the slit-shaped stone and curved under the waterfall is widely used by visitors who sit and enjoy the thrill of the fall of the water in front of them.
Many ways fatherly admire this waterfall. By way of narcissistic photographed from above and with the background of a waterfall, the only view waterfall temam Lubuklinggau Sumatran selatanduduk front of the waterfall while enjoying the waves and the dew falls while playing near the water in the pool under the waterfall. Sometimes there is also a native son surrounding communities who dare jump off the waterfall into the pool which has a depth of approximately 4 meters. Niagara is very dear to pass the time when we were in South Sumatra province, from the entrance to the roar of water already adorn our sense of hearing. With stair access pass berjumalah approximately 100 stairs is clean and neat and passing shade of trees surrounding the trip. Arriving at the waterfall with a large courtyard that can immediately enjoy or resting first in several places to rest complete with a giant mushroom-shaped seat.
Niagara Temam located in the Village Rahma, Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatra Province.
waterfall pool temam Lubuklinggau Sumatran selatanDenga a distance of 11 km from the city center Lubuk Linggau to the south or approximately less than 30 minutes away by motor vehicles through two entrances, the driveway toward the Village Rahma or the Village Water Temam road conditions are pretty good , Niagara itself is located about 50 m from the road that connects the village and village water Temam Rahma.
Linggau depths city can be reached by 6.5 hour drive with a motor vehicle from Palembang. Alternatively, the city can also be reached via Bengkulu and is about 4 hours away by passing through town Kapahiang and Curup.
Accommodation and Facilities
Places Waterfall Temam been managed well by the government Lubuk Linggau, facilities in the area of ​​the waterfall saudah complete. Facility rest, places to eat and toilets have been provided. For the problem of lodging can be found in Lubuk Linggau which is the nearest town of Waterfall Temam.

Enjoying Chugup Dew Waterfall in South Sumatra

South Sumatra is one of the provinces that have the potential tourist spot that is not inferior to other provinces. In South Sumatra also include a highest mountain in South Sumatra is Mount Dempo. Mount Dempo this area has a lot of tourism potential that can be found and everything was really beautiful. One of them Cughup Dew, which is one of beauty waterfall located slope of Mount Dempo.
Tourism site
welcome natural fences Sumatran selatanChugup This moisture is in the district of Pagar Alam is a small town on the slopes of Mount Dempo. This waterfall is one of dozens of waterfalls on the slopes of Mount Dempo.
This waterfall has a height of about 100 meters which is divided into 3 pieces flow waterfall located in one place. So if you are in front of the waterfall will appear 3 pieces flow of water with a beautiful waterfall. Fairly heavy flow of water is reflecting water splash and become dew when the water collide with the pool beneath it. Perhaps because it is the local community that the name Cughup Dew.
Swimming under the waterfall is also not so wide, gathered pond water is very clear and refreshing. The depth of the pool is not so deep, so that visitors can play freely in the pool. Waterfall with a blend of stone color with greenish moss plants and weeds on the walls makes this place so enchanting eyes. The place is located at an altitude of 1,900 above sea level makes this place cool air.
The waterfall is still very natural, is evident from the time of entry into a waterfall by crossing the stairs around the green plant premises disekililing us. fresh air, really typical of the mountains. Moreover, the water is very cool, definitely will make our body and mind fresh so that our spirit will return the maximum.
Lokasiair dew falls cughup natural fences South Sumatra
Chugup dew was on the slope of Mount Dempo which is administratively included in the City of Pagar Alam, South Sumatra Province.
Chugup dew waterfall is located in the city of Pagar Alam. Pagar Alam is located in the area of ​​Mount Dempo. Her distance of approximately 298 kilometers from the center of the city of Palembang. U
ntuk can get to the city of Pagar Alam this you can use a bus or travel from the city of Palembang.
Facilities and Accommodation
There have been several public facilities that are in Chugup Dew. And are advised to bring supplies because the area falls no food vendors.

Water play in Aek Sijornih Waterfal North Sumatra

Natural resources and attractions that exist in the province of North Sumatra was no end to the discussion. Of Lake Toba with Samosirnya island is so beautiful up the coast and the island of Niasnya which is not to be missed if you're traveling in the province. One more beautiful tourist spot located in the province is Niagara Aek Sijornih very fit you and your family visit.
Tourism site
aek sijornih Sumatran utaraAir waterfall tour is in South Tapanuli has two mini waterfall adjacent to each other, this waterfall is a waterfall staircase has a height of about 10 meters. Sijornih Aek name that has meaning Clear Water has a very clear water despite the dry season and the rainy season taupun second source of this waterfall coming from the hills surrounding springs District of Batang Angkola and Vegetable Matinggi.
These attractions have
well managed by the government and local residents, because this place has been renovated for the convenience of visitors but keep kelestarianya. In the area there are two waterfalls, waterfall on the left allowed to plunge and flow through small trenches were clean and clear water. And a waterfall that flows right side and ends disebuah pond water which is to accommodate visitors as a place to swim.
Swimming baths here was divided into two parts, one for the swimming pool children kedalamanya aek sijornih Sumatran utaratak travel more than one meter. And a second pool for swimming adults with a depth of more than one meter. Besides swimming, visitors can relax with the family under the shade of palm trees that grow in the area of ​​this waterfall.
Waterfall located in the village Aek Aek Sijornih Libung, District Vegetable Matinggi, South Tapanuli, North Sumatra Province.
aek sijornih Sumatran utaraBerjarak tour around + 35 km east of Mulberry. Can be reached by public transportation, among others, tricycles, motorcycles, public transportation, mini buses and buses trajectory eastern Sumatra for approximately one hour from the city Padangsidempuan.
Facilities and Accommodation
Facilities at the tourist spot is quite complete, public facilities here sudha easily found. Waterfall in the area can also be found Saung Saung with typical hawker food place that was there.

4 Travel in Bengkulu Popular

  1. Strong Point Marlborough
Tempat wisata di Bengkulu , Benteng Marlborough

No, not a brand of tobacco product. But a historic fortress that became physical evidence that the British had occupied Bengkulu. Formerly, Fort Marlborough used for fortifications. Built on an area of about 200 square meters, this fort began to be made in 1713 and completed six years later or in the year 1719. The fort is referred to as the second strongest fortress that once belonged to the English nation at that time in the eastern region, after their castle India, Fortress St. George. Interestingly, if you look at it from above, you can see the shape of which resembles a fortress location turtles. In fact, there is a bridge connecting the castle as part of the body with the head of the 'turtle' is.
  1. Bung Karno's Home
Tempat wisata di Bengkulu, Rumah Pengasingan Bung KarnoTempat wisata di Bengkulu, Rumah Pengasingan Bung Karno

If you follow the story of Indonesian history, maybe you've heard the story of exile Bung Karno in Bengkulu. Well, here's the house exile Bung Karno located in the Bengkulu. A simple house located on Jl. Soekarno Hatta Gading Cempaka precisely in the district is occupied by the president for four years, namely in 1938 until 1942. This modest house has a size of 18 x 9 meters. If seen from the architecture of the house which has a vent as well as some typical Chinese ornaments, alleged that the house was previously owned by a Chinese trader before hired by the Dutch soldiers to be home seclusion. Here, you can look around the house atmosphere, and some items belonging to Bung Karno such as books, bicycles, love letters belonging to Bung Karno and Fatmawati. There are also other home furnishings such as beds, chairs and tables.
  1. Bengkulu's  museum
Museum Negeri Bengkulu

Well, if you want to know Bengkulu deeper, you are obliged to visit the museum this one. You can find it on Jl. Development of the number 8 in the area of Padang Hope. This museum has lots of historical and cultural value that you can learn. In the tourist attractions in Bengkulu, you can see a collection that reached 6,000 pieces, divided into 10 categories. One of the most favorite collection attracted many visitors to the museum is a money printing machine red branded Golden Press. There's also Kain Bersurek, typical fabrics of Bengkulu, 126 pieces of ancient manuscripts anonymously, household appliances in ancient times, a miniature traditional house of Bengkulu, clothing and traditional weapons.
  1. Tapak Paderi Beach
pantai tapak paderi bengkulu

If you've culture history and culture, now is the time to uncover the natural beauty of Bengkulu. Padri Tread beach is one of the attractions beach is quite crowded by tourists. Oh yes, the beach is located only about 100 meters from Fort Marlborough, you know. Here, you can enjoy a beautiful stretch of beach. In addition, the beach is also known for the moment of sunset or the sun sinking. While enjoying the sunset, you can eat culinary being sold here such as grilled banana, corn, and coconut ice. Wih, savory! In addition to its natural beauty, the beach is also famous for Tabot Festival are often held here. The festival is a commemoration of the death of Hussein bin Ali bin Abu Talib. At the festival, you can enjoy a variety of competitions and art performances. There was also surprised markets where you can buy a variety of clothing, souvenirs and unique culinary Bengkulu. Also Read Tapak Padri


This building bears the name of Huta Museum is located in the village of Bolon and Simanindo, Village Simanindo, Samosir, North Sumatra. In this museum objects of cultural heritage Batak classical past. Its presence is also to keep the Batak ethnic traditions being lost to erode the timesBatak culture
To achieve this museum takes about 4 hours drive from Kuala Namu airport, Deli Serdang, to Parapat. The journey then continued to cross to the island of Samosir with large vessel for 45 minutes. Another option, can use a passenger ship with a travel time of about 25 minutes. After the ship docked, followed by an overland trip for 30 minutes.
Far? No need to worry about is a considerable distance. All will be paid exhausted after treading area Museum Huta Bolon that s ^ juk and shady. At least that's how I feel. In North Sumatra, there are quite a lot of museums, but I chose this place because it presents the most complete aktraksi. This destination has even included in the list of Lonely Planet recommendation
Museum Huta Bolon Simanindo a traditional house legacy of King Sidauruk which since 1969 as a museum open (open air museum). To enter the museum which is open every day from 9:00 to 17:00 pm, visitors admission price charged at Rp 30 thousand.
This museum attractions that are presented in the form of dance typical Batak tribe. The dancer is a museum of local people who no longer need pm every day except Sunday, which is at 11:45 pm. Dances are performed quite diverse, ranging from welcome dance, dance offerings, youth dance, a dance of celebration, to dance Sigale-gale. The visitors can come to dance in a particular session.
Sigale-gale is a core part of the show at this museum. Sigale-gale is one of the Batak Toba culture to be proud. This motion puppet store an amazing mythical stories. The story of how the love of parents to their children is never complete.
Once upon a time, a king who became ill because of mourning after the death of his beloved son named Manggale in a war. To treat the king, made a ceremony in the kingdom by providing Manggale face resembles a wooden doll. During the ceremony, the physician summon spirits Manggale and put the wooden doll. Manggale dolls danced to the accompaniment of music typical Batak.

Recomended, Tourism Belitung

Galangal island
pulau lengkuas,wisata pulau belitung

Galangal island located in the Pacific Northwest of the island can be said is the icon of tourist belitung. In it there is a lighthouse that is so well-known and often become the object of which is perpetuated by the pengunjung.Untuk to the island of Galangal, can pass through the village of Tanjung elayang or Tanjung Binga. The island is an area ranging from just one hectare. Therefore, conducting exploration activities on the island Just take approximately 60 menit.Di Lengkuas around the island there are small islands that can be visited only by foot. But in order to get there, you have to wait for low tide first. Although it can be visited on foot, this small island remained separated by sea water depths up to an adult's chest. Her distance was only about 30 meters from the shoreline of the island of Galangal.

pulau pasir,Wisata Belitung
Fitted with its name, the island contains only sand, no granite or palm trees are disni, Sand Island will be present when the seawater receded. Remarkably, very many sea stars are present here sunbathing, whether taken sea currents or anyone brought here.

Thousand Islands, Various Beach Tourism in Jakarta Charming

Favorite tourist attractions in other Jakarta is the Thousand Islands. To get to the Thousand Islands, you can use a motor boat from Marina Ancol, or of Kali Adem Muara Angke. This place saved a wide variety of natural beauty that is second to none. You can snorkel and dive underwater to enjoy the beauty that is in the Thousand Islands. Some coastal tourism in Jakarta in the Thousand Islands, namely, Tidung Travel, Tourism Scout Island, the Island Princess, Island Bira, Tiger Island and Angel Island. In addition, for those who want to spend the night here provided some accommodation with adequate facilities. We recommend that you visit the island with his family and relatives so that the atmosphere of your holiday more enjoyable.

Kelimutu Flores

COMMUNITY often call the Lake Three Colors. This tourist destination located 60 kilometers from downtown Ende. Lake Three Colors that are in the middle of National Park Flores. The crater lake shows three different colors. Can be green, blue, and dark red. Color it in a certain period of time will be changed to another color.
The local community believes, craters or lake is the abode of human lives. The location they are in accordance with the color of the water in the crater. For instance, the evil spirit will be in the red crater.To go to the top, visitors must walk 1 kilometer. Terrain slope is more than 45 degrees. Very steep, but it is safe because the jogging track was already there.
Visitors who have not been to Flores highly recommended asking for a companion. In addition, prepare a flashlight or small lamp. Because, fog often comes unexpectedly. Sights so dark and cold.Tip the need to be prepared, physically to reach the hill. Use thick clothes for warmth. Do not forget to bring lunch to eat at the top of Flores. Therefore, the place was really fun to look forward to a new day rising sun marker